Myki FAQs
What does the application process entail from start to finish?
NAB Staff Club Myki applications are processed every month. You can check the next available cut off dates here.
Once applications close for the month, you will receive an email from us to confirm your application has been received. We then go through all applications and verify that all details are correct and ready to be processed. We request payment from those who elected to pay via credit card and send the Payroll team all applications of those who chose to pay via fortnightly deductions directly from their salary. Usually within a week, the Payroll team confirm whether the interest free loans have been successfully set up for each applicant and send us the funds to cover the cost of each Myki pass. We then send all the applications to the PTV Myki Commuter Club team, who issue us with an invoice. Payment is made as soon as possible so that PTV can begin to process the Myki orders. Once we receive confirmation that the cards have been despatched, you will receive an email advising that your card is on its way. Delivery is via Australia Post and can take up to 10 business days. It is important to remember that your Myki Annual Pass does not actually start running until the first time you touch on and off.
Please be aware that you must remain a member for a minimum of 12 months if you have purchased a discounted Annual Myki Pass
Should I buy a new Myki card before applying for a Myki through the NAB Staff Club?
No. You will be issued with a new ‘Commuter Club’ Myki card when you submit your application via the NAB Staff Club.
When does my 365 day Myki pass start?
Your Myki pass starts when you first touch on and touch off at a Myki reader in a zone for which it is valid. Once activated, your Myki pass expires after 365 days, even if you do not travel with your Myki on some of those days.
Is there an annual Myki pass available for VLine passengers?
Yes, there have been changes to Vline travel and you can now use your annual Myki pass across regional Victoria. Your MYKI pass can be used to travel within the MYKI zones 1 - 15.
I have lost my Myki card – What do I do?
Please contact PTV directly on 1800 800 007 as soon as possible and advise that your card is lost or has been stolen. Please ensure you advise that you are a Commuter Club Myki card holder. Your lost Myki will be blocked and the balance will be protected from the moment the report is made. You don’t need your Myki card number, as you will be identified by your DOB. Alternatively if you are near Southern Cross Station, you can head down to the PTV Hub on the Ground Floor (not the regular ticket window). Please take some ID and advise you have lost your Commuter Club card. You do not need to know your myki card number.
I have been advised by that my Myki card has been sent by PTV, but it’s been longer than 10 days and I still haven’t received it in the mail yet? What do I do?
It may just be that Australia Post are a bit delayed in the delivery, but if it doesn’t arrive you will just need to contact PTV on 1800 800 007 and advise the card was never received. They will identify you by your DOB, then put a hold on your card, and issue you with a new one in the mail. Alternatively, if you are near Southern Cross Station – head to the PTV Hub on the ground floor, take some ID. They will replace your card on the spot and the balance will be transferred within 36 hours. Please advise them it is a Commuter Club Card.
My Myki card is damaged or expired – What do I do?
If your card is damaged or has expired, you can arrange a replacement:
• on the spot by attending a PTV Hub, premium metropolitan station or staffed V/Line station
• by contacting PTV on 1800 800 007
Please ensure you advise that you are a Commuter Club Myki card holder.
If you replace a damaged Myki card that cannot be read, the transfer of any remaining balance from your original Myki card to your new Myki card will not be immediate. To travel immediately you will need to top up your new Myki card with Myki money or a Myki pass to ensure you are travelling with a valid ticket. The transfer can take up to 36 hours.
How do I check when my annual Myki pass expires?
Your Myki pass expiry date can be checked by:
• Creating an online account via the PTV website
• Checking at a Myki machine, Myki reader or Myki check point.
Can my Myki Pass be suspended if I take leave?
No. An alternative is to apply for a refund, then apply for a new Myki Pass when you return. Please refer to refund calculations before applying for a refund.
Can I apply fo rreimbursement for medical leave?
If you were unable to travel for 7 days or more, you can apply. You must wait until your pass has expired before applying. Complete your claim online APPLY, or by contacting the PTV call centre on 1800 800 007. A medical certificate is required to supoort the reimbursement claim.
Why do deductions start before I receive my Myki card?
The NAB Staff Club awaits confirmation from payroll that you have been successfully set up with an interest free loan with fortnightly deductions before purchasing your new Myki with the Commuter Club. This simply means that you will finish paying off your loan before your Myki pass expires.
Are deductions made before or after tax?
After tax.
Why is my payslip showing 2 deductions?
Your payslip will be showing 2 deductions if you ordered a new annual Myki pass but you have not yet paid off your existing Myki loan. You can check the balance of your Transport Ticket Advance 1 Loan on your payslip to see when you will finish paying off your existing Myki loan. It’s important to remember that your new pass will only start the 365 days when you touch on for the first time.
Can I pause my MYKI?
Can I cancel my Myki Card and get a refund?
You will need to contact PTV (1800 800 007) and request to cancel your card. You don’t need your Myki card number, as they will be able to identify you by your name and DOB. They will be able to arrange a refund for you directly to your personal bank account. Sometimes they will suggest they can transfer the balance directly to the NAB Staff Club but this would add an extra step to the process as we would then need to transfer it to you, so please let them know you need them to transfer it into your own account. Once you have received your refund, you will then need to transfer the balance of your outstanding loan to Payroll, which you can check in your latest payslip. They will then close out your loan and cease deductions. Please email for these bank account details.
Please click here to understand how PTV calculate refunds for partially used passes.
I am leaving NAB – What will happen to my loan?
The balance of your Myki loan will automatically be taken from your final pay.
You can check the balance of your Transport Ticket Advance Loan on your payslip.
Can I get an additional Myki card for a family member?
Unfortunately, no. NAB currently only offer discounted annual Myki passes for NAB employees.
Do I have to apply each year for a new annual Myki pass?
Yes. It is your responsibility to reapply for a new annual Myki pass & interest free loan. Please ensure you review the monthly cut off dates so you know when you should reapply. It’s important to note that you will be deducted twice if you order a new annual Myki pass, but you have not yet paid off your existing Myki loan.
There used to be an option to load my new annual pass onto my existing card, why is this option no longer available?
This option is no longer available because there were too many issues due to expiring or damaged cards. You will have to apply for a new card each year.
Is Mobile Myki available?
Unfortunately at this stage, Commuter Club passengers are not able to travel using Mobile Myki. PTV are looking to expand the number of passenger types available, so more passengers can use Mobile Myki in future.
If you have any further questions please email